Libreoffice 7.4
Libreoffice 7.4

  • Tracked footnote deletion and insertion are visible in the footnote area tdf#85610 (László Németh, NISZ)įormat footnote numbers to show tracked footnote deletion and insertion in the footnote area.
  • core commit 82e789bf (Michael Stahl, allotropia)
  • For documents that are loaded read-only, Writer will now allow to view tracked changes, both via the dialog from Edit ▸ Tracked Changes ▸ Manage.
  • Accessibility check dialog ( Tools ▸ Accessibility Check.) is now rendered asynchronously core commit 61fed0c4 (Nick Wingate Collabora).
  • Writer now supports clearing breaks from Word for improvement layout fidelity blog post (Miklos Vajna Collabora).
  • The generated entries start from the current chapter level, instead of the previously hardwired level 2 tdf#130318 (Andreas Heinisch Emanuele Gissi, CNVVF)
  • Fixed Index or Table of Contents generation when Create Index or Table of Contents ▸ For: is set to Chapter in the Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography dialogue ( Insert ▸ Table of Contents and Index).
  • Various border improvements around tables and paragraphs to make them more Word-compatible blog post (Miklos Vajna Collabora).
  • Menu item Tools ▸ Update ▸ Update all now updates the preview of OLE objects blog post (Miklos Vajna Collabora).
  • Thanks in advance for your help filling this out! That really helps us to make good screenshots to show off the features, and allows reviewers to do their testing.
  • If the feature can be shown off with a sample / test file – particularly for new import-able features, it would be wonderful to have a link to/up-load of a test file that we can use to show that feature off to best effect.
  • It credits the main authors who did the work – just add them in brackets after the feature, where possible.
  • Of course, you know your feature is important, and that everyone should care about the Extensible AutoShapes Properties dialog – but often the guys taking the screenshots and writing the notes do not. Menu ▸ Format ▸ Character ▸ Position  ▸ ‘90 degrees’ paths to the elements you changed. So if a user interface element is key to the feature, be very explicit about where it is, e. Target someone who is extremely busy, and knows little-to-nothing about the product.

    libreoffice 7.4

  • It has a description, and a way for a busy reviewer, to find and play with the feature.
  • Please do not list features that are to be shipped already in the 7.3 release! Please do not add wish-list features that you hope will be implemented, but only what actually is implemented already.

    libreoffice 7.4

    This is an in-progress scratch-pad of notes to build release notes from as and when we release.

    Libreoffice 7.4